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Children with Special Needs a Challenge for Low Income Families


Minerva has a daughter named Jennifer, a 7-year- old, who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome - level 4. Together, they make up a family of six. Minerva accompanies her daughter every day on a four-hour trip to a school that supports special education.

In her previous school, classmates discriminated against Jennifer because of her disability, leading Minerva to make the decision to transfer schools. Jennifer’s class schedule goes from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. During that time, Minerva waits outside of the school where she is exposed to different weather conditions. In the winter, she is unable to buy a warm drink because the only cash she has is for their bus transportation.

Jennifer’s daily class schedule also keeps Minerva from having a job, placing reliance on her husband’s salary. Minerva’s husband works at a security post, where he receives a minimum wage that can, at times, barely cover the basic needs of the family.

To ease these issues, Minerva and her family need the means to cover the costs of transportation from their home to Jennifer’s school as well as the costs of her prescription drugs. In addition, equestrian therapy would also greatly benefit Jennifer as it has in the past.


Monday to Friday 8:00 to 13:00

Multiple Care Center School 48, Champs Elysees 477, Colonia Polanco, Edo . Miguel Hidalgo.

Ask about Minerva and her daughter Jennifer.

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